Thursday, September 06, 2007

What A Suprise!!!

Over the weekend we were very worried about Johan, he cried again in the wee hours on Monday morning. Since he started going to daycare, most Sunday and Monday mid night he was having nightmare. Every Monday I need to get out from home 10 minutes earlier than usual in order for him to "lau kai". When he refused to get out from the car, I had to carry him to the daycare (I dreaded that because the daycare is inside the condominium if he don't walk then I have to carry him wearing my heels!. But very funny leh, on this week since Monday, he get down from my car himself and walk to the daycare. When reaching there he even said bye bye to me.....oh my GOD just one month he changed so much. Should I feel happy or sad? Johan good boy never said don't want go to school anymore or.... He no longer need my full time care? I know I should feel happy but I just don't want to face it. Darling boy, you are GOOD. Mama loves you.

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